odm_25dmeshing_log.txt Reading point cloud at: /code/opensfm/depthmaps/merged.ply Writing output to: /code/odm_meshing/odm_25dmesh.ply Writing log information to: /code/odm_meshing/odm_25dmeshing_log.txt Vertex count was manually set to: 100000 Outliers removal was manually set to: 2 WLOP iterations was manually set to: 35 Successfully loaded 5008503 points from file Removing outliers... removed 100170 points Computing average spacing... 0.375041 Grid Z sampling... sampled 3307662 points Performing weighted locally optimal projection simplification and regularization (retain: 6.24738%, iterate: 35) Vertex count is 100000 Computing delaunay triangulation... 199977 triangles Removing spikes... removed 27481 spikes Building polyhedron... done Refining... added 48483 new vertices Final vertex count is 148483 Saving mesh to file. Successfully wrote mesh to: /code/odm_meshing/odm_25dmesh.ply